Monday, April 23, 2012

2013 Skidoo Summit

Here is a sneak peek at the new 2013 Skidoo Summit X 154 T-Motion Suspension 800Etec. This snowmobile is top of the line with an all new redesigned suspension, the body of the snowmobile is made to lean with the driver.

It's Gone

Well, the snowmobiling season is long gone for now. All the snowmobiles will be put away for the summer. But will they really be stored away? Not all snowmobiles will be put away, some people drag race them in the grass. These races usually take place all summer.

It's Parked

Well, I parked the Ski Doo for the year, I parked it outside wrapped in a tarp. When you park your snowmobile make sure that you turn over the engine every now and then to prevent it from set ceasing. If you don't want your paint to fade in the sun make sure to cover the snowmobile up in a tarp.